
Olá mundo!

Eu sou Victor Dantas

Engenheiro de Software full stack com experiência na construção de aplicações web usando ReactJS, NestJS e TypeScript. Hábil no desenvolvimento de aplicativos fáceis de usar, responsivos e escaláveis. Comprometidos em fornecer código de alta qualidade e apaixonados por se manter atualizados com as tendências e tecnologias do setor.


Develper illustration

Curious about me? Here you have it:

I am a full stack Software Engineer passionate about creating innovative and efficient solutions that enhance productivity and efficiency within the teams I work with. Since 2021, I have been working in this field, where I have had the opportunity to develop and implement various tools that facilitate my work and that of my colleagues, as well as provide support and maintenance for several systems with a large base of national and international users.

You can follow me on Twitter where I share tech-related bites and build in public, or you can follow me on GitHub.


Here is a quick summary of my most recent experiences:

Fox IoT

Full stack Software Engineer

    I work as a Full Stack Software Engineer, specializing in React (front-end) and NestJS (back-end), in the development of software for energy distribution analysis and management. I emphasize my contribution to the implementation of customizable alerts, enabling quick detection of network issues, and the integration of remote commands for cutting and reconnection, eliminating the need for on-site teams. My skills include creating intuitive interfaces with graphics for efficient data insights, as well as monitoring DRP and DRC quality indicators, generating auditable files for ANEEL. I use technologies such as Docker, MongoDB, and Typescript to optimize development, also contributing to the definition of project architecture and resolution of complex technical challenges.

Nov 2023 - Present


Full stack Software Engineer

    I worked as a Full Stack Software Engineer, leading a team in the development of a web application for event management using React on the front-end and NestJS on the backend. I utilized Docker, PostgreSQL, Prisma, and implemented unit tests, end-to-end tests, and Kafka integration. Additionally, I developed another web application for event reception management, along with various command-line interfaces for internal tools and automations. Over time, I became the team lead, effectively managing projects and introducing innovative development practices and customs.

Feb 2022 - Nov 2023


Some of the noteworthy projects I have built:

Reception APP preview

Reception APP

🧑‍💻 Efficiently manage presential event receptions with the Reception App.



Material UI




Ciente Studio preview

Ciente Studio

⚙️ Ciente studio is an application developed in React for the creation, management and transmission of online, hybrid or presential events.



Material UI



TaskMan preview


📋 A lightweight and user-friendly task manager.



Tailwind CSS

react-beautiful-dnd (rbd)


What’s next? Feel free to reach out to me if you are looking for a engineer, have a query, or simply want to connect.


You may also find me on these platforms!